Tears of Agony
my emotions are running free
the night is young with a city full of red lights
red like the blood this society spills every day
for some people to become more rich
this is I, with an emotional balance at sea level
does that really justify who I am?
my soul wants to escape this world of agony.
decisions, decisions, and more decisions
an everyday excuse for women to get abused by their husbands.
your boyfriend is a complete stranger
and your children get infused with drugs and more drugs & become more confused
let´s hand them medication for their problems
meanwhile, some of us have internal demons to fight at night
hallucinations it´s just an hallucination
the media keeps messing with the minds of the innocent
we losing sight of who we are as people
slaves to a fuck up society with no morals
a naked mind
materialistic & judgmental...is that all you see?
come on let´s fill our cars with more beer instead of gasoline
let´s burn the city with fire and leave our children with no roof
I just want to remain sane pleading insanity
whatever happened to you, you were such a good kid
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