heal from the past

I learned to let go of the old habits.

I learned to let go of the hurt.

I learned to let go of my past. 

the memories are still hunting me from time to time.

the pain is gone, on ocations it comes back creeping itself inside my cranium.

 I constantly repeat to myself

 " let go omega" yo lo reprendo 

the woman I was in  2017 when I met ( the individual who's name should not be mentioned) 

He was my lesson. I learned with tears. 

He was also my teacher. I learned from he's actions, behavior  and words. 

I'm a mom.💕 I'm grateful  

 I love my little princess👧

I get my strength every day from God💪🙏

my job is to be completely healed. 

to be WHOLE

I'm back at the gym, journaling, trying to figure out how to study the bible on my own. 

I have God on my team

I have a job (grateful) 

I'm healthy (grateful) my daughter as well (grateful) 

A roof ( grateful) 

Food on my table (grateful) 

Everyday needs are taken care of (grateful) 

Family is complete ( grateful) no loses 

La gratitud siempre en todo momento. 


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