oh men
I get really scared and upset when old men, young men or even guys my age try to talk to me on the streets. I usually try to act as though I don’t hear them but that usually ends with the “You not even that fine anyways” comments. Always hilarious to hear because fact of the matter is while I may not be “that fine” you still just held up traffic or pulled an illegal U-turn or even ran two blocks, just to try and get a minute of my time. It doesn’t even bother me as much anymore, they do it to every female, age 12 and up, (12 and older bend them over) but for some reason it scares the hell out of me. for example this one guy who cut a girl in her face because she didn’t respond to him even though she had headphones on and couldn’t hear him. and another guy was talkin to this girl and said “Fuck you bitch and your ashy ass elbows” as loud as possible. I along with all the pedestrians out that day started dying of laughter.
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