would probably regret or not

from an early age our parents expect so much from us. 

good grades



graduate college and junior high 

get married

have kids



I did everything to make my father proud.

a single mother assisting her elderly father for his needs. 

I absolutely have no problem doing those things for him.

I woke up today and realized my father is conditioning me to live his life. I deserved a life of my own. 

I know most of the things he talks to me about.....

 I feel uncomfortable doing some of the tasks and running errands for my father.  (finances, office, family, decision- problem-solving) blah blah 

the only time I get for myself is training at the gym. is just me lifting weights and running on the machines.....

If I'm not physically or mentally strong as a mom, daughter, sister, or myself well I cannot show up to perform an give a 100%. I always want to make others comfortable, and happy, forget to set boundaries, and get stuck trying to communicate what's really going through my head.....

I need God´s guidance to calm me and think clearly about everything before making a decision.... 


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