Dear mother land find God find yourself

I´ve found a part of myself while I found God
I´m still creating and bettering myself everyday
I want to welcome 2016 its right around the corner in a few weeks to be precise
I´m thankful and happy my family is together again 
we were apart from each other for a while now 
crazy stuff happen while I was away, Also while we were all in different parts of the world
 (siblings x dad)

I would try to blog more about my journey.
actually no more trying just doing things because I want to
I´ve been reading, exercising,thinking, writing,sleeping less than usual, working,planning projects,etc
I need to move out of (EG) and go somewhere safe or at least go to a country where justice is serve 
not this bullshit 

They talk about rights
They talk about justice
They talk about equality
They talk about change
They talk about chances
False ,just false propaganda

is not about stating lies
I just don´t want to be here when things go wrong
because it has started yet I have faith but I just can´t deal with certain things in my life right now


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